Accumulating “core-assets”

When I graduated from college, I had certain salary expectations.   As I gained more experience and education, my salary requirements increased.  When those expectations were not met, I would change employers or seek different opportunities within the company.  That is how 90% of the people in North America operate.  They focus on the income column.  Financial freedom is not about what you make (income), but what you keep (income minus expenses) and more importantly what do you do with what you keep (investments).

In my article, “Saying Goodbye to the Time for Money Swap,” I introduced a term “core-assets.”  Financially free people concentrate their spending on “core-assets” which are items of value not including non-income producing assets. In other words, “core-assets” are only items that produce income such as rental properties, limousines and stocks. Your home, cars and boats unless they are used in a business are not “core-assets.” The financially free pay their bills, send their kids to school and travel the world on income generated by their “core assets.”  If you have any desire to become financially free, your thinking must shift from income to accumulating “core-assets.”


How much interest are you earning on your savings?

I just received an email from my bank stating that it has raised rates from 4.25% to 4.35%.  Although I have my checking with a Bank of America, a traditional banker, my savings is with Ing Direct.  I just checked the current savings rates at Bank of America, to my amazement; they are still only paying 0.5%.  What a joke?  If you are not using an internet savings account from companies such as Ing Direct, Emigrant Direct or HBSC Direct you are doing yourself a disservice.  To attain financial freedom, you must optimize the return on your assets.  4.35% vs. 0.5% is a no-brainer. 

I am considering opening an account with Emigrant Direct.  Their current savings rate is 5%.  I briefly considered Emigrant when I opened my Ing account last year.  However, at the time they seemed to experiencing growing pains.  I have been quite pleased with Ing and have had no problems to date. 

Click here to start saving with ING Direct!

Update: 6/13/07

I have been using Ing Direct for well over a year now and have had absolutely no problems with the bank.  All deposits and withdrawals were executed in a very timely manner.  I have also opened an account with Emigrant Direct and so far so good.