Women Need to Start Managing and Investing Money

Wow, this article is geared towards women – but has good advice for all of us.

“If you want to consider your retirement as one big vacation, think about that in terms of how much your last vacation cost,” Cook said. “Most people want to eat out, and go out, and travel more after they retire.” But few people plan adequately to be able to follow their retirement dreams.

Here is my favorite quote

Dreams can serve as a starting point, but taking real action is the only thing that will put money in the bank.

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Is It Time To Re-assess `Women’s Work’ In 2005?

Source: Womens Biz News

According to the April 8, 2005 issue of “The Week” hundreds of thousands of women are leaving. The article states, “A recent survey by the business research firm Catalyst found one in three women with MBAs is not working full time. (For men the ratio is one in 20.)” Denise Michaels, 47, author of the ground-breaking, “Testosterone-Free Marketing: The Yin and Yang of Marketing for Women” says, “For millions of women, the corporate world doesn’t work. The hours, the cutthroat competition and exclusion from `inner circles’ doesn’t set well, so they leave.”

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How Our Differences Shape Our Investment Techniques

Source: Ms Money
by Nicole Alper

Come on, we all know it’s true. Our mothers say it. The psychiatrists analyze it. And of course John Gray spelled it out in a series of bestselling books.

Men and women are different.

And despite the stark–even cloying–quality of the cliché, buried somewhere in this simple declaration there is, I believe, a weighty nugget of truth. So the issue then is, how are we different, and how do those differences influence the way we handle, namely invest, our money?

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Women and Money: Getting Savvy, Becoming Powerful

Source: Social Funds . com
by Barbara Stanny

Growing up, I never thought much about money. Like water for a fish, it was always there. My father, Richard, is the R in H&R Block, the income tax preparation company he started with his brother, Henry. My dad never seemed to have any difficulty with money–making it or managing it. But then again, he never really talked about money, except to complain when my mother spent too much. And my mother never talked about money either. Even though I saw her at her desk in the living room, paying the bills every month, my father was the one who made all the major financial decisions. He was clearly in charge.

“Don’t worry” was the only advice my parents ever gave me about money.

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Women and Retirement Wake-Up Call!

Source: The Motley Fool

Wanna hear a really scary statistic? According to the data at census.gov, by 2025 there will be 34,971,000 women over 65 years old. As that warm and fuzzy commercial says, these will be “our mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, lovers, and friends.” These, Fools, will be the Granny Baby Boomers (hereafter, Grannybabies). If the statistics bear out, far too many will be alone, dirt poor, and a looming national disaster. Here’s why:

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